Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Age/Grades does RiptideWC Allow

RWC is open to all wrestlers from Kindergarten through 12th grade.

What Days & Times and where are Practices?

RWC Practices:

Competition Team (Off Season Only):  No practice starting 12/2 – have a great HS season!

Grades K-4:  Tuesday & Thursday: 5:00 – 6:30

Grades 5-8:  Tuesday & Thursday: 5:00 – 6:30

Girls Night(s): No practice starting 12/2

Practices will be held at 389 Columbia Rd #25, Hanover, MA 02339

My question is not here! How do I get in contact with RWC?

Please click here to go to our contact page, we’ll get back to you ASAP:

Is RWC a Year Around Program?

RWC is a year around program.  That said, we also believe that wrestlers should return to their hometown wrestling teams to compete during regular wrestling season.  If your town or city does not have a hometown team, RWC will help to place you.

Is RWC a USA Wrestling Chartered Club?

Yes, RWC is a USA Wrestling Chartered Club and requires that all wrestlers have a USA Wrestling membership BEFORE their first practice.  We will check!

Get your wrestlers card here:

Does RWC compete locally & nationally?

Yes. RWC will be competing on a local and National level for both Youth and High School divisions.  Events we are attending will be announced as far in advance as possible.